1. Virtual Training about Design Thinking dictated by the Director of the Entrepreneurship, Center of Northampton Community College, USA, in which 4 professors and 1 administrator participated as part of the 100,000 Strong Americas project.

  2. Participation of 20 professors in the “Virtual Diploma of SOFT SKILLS” taught by the TECNOECUADORIAN Institute of Ecuador.

  3. Mariela Galeano, Cooperation Management staff together with leaders from other Salvadoran HEIs, participated in the “INTERNATIONALIZATION Course” sponsored by the US Department of State.

  4. Participation of Eng. Carlos Arriola, Academic Vice Chancellor l Eng. Mario Montes, Director of Research and Social Outreach l Lcda. Katia de Rodezno, Cooperation Manager l Ing. David Agreda, Research Coordinator l Ing. Manuel Chicas, Santa Ana Regional Director in the virtual course “In: the path of Israeli disruptive innovation” developed by Conexión Israel and coordinated by the Israel Agency for International Development Cooperation (MASHAV).